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6/1/2009 – 12/29/2022

This evening we tearfully said goodbye to our Sammy, age 13 1/2. We were privileged to have been his human parents since February 2011, receiving his unconditional love and devotion day after day. What can I say about our best camping, hiking, fishing, swimming, and beach bum buddy? He never saw a body of water he didn’t like and on trips through SC, NC, GA, FL, AL, TN he would jump in, no matter the temperature… then roll in the dirt to dry off! Sam was Mark’s fisherman assistant while surf fishing up and down the SC coast. He loved trail and beach hiking and humored me by coming along to sunrises and sunsets over the years. Sam thought his job was to personally greet and get pets from every person on the beach. Our granddaughter Clara and Sam bonded early and loved having her camp with us. He was a faithful Sesqui Dog Park member for many years, enjoying the pools and playing with friends. Our home and camping trips will never be the same and echoes of his spirit will always be heard in al our favorite places. We love you Sammy!!

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