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7/4/2001 – 11/25/2017

Dixie was adopted by our daughter, Elizabeth, from a shelter in Greenville, SC. In 2003 she moved to an apartment that wouldn’t allow pets, so we inherited our beloved Dixie. When she was living with Elizabeth she stayed in the crate all day. When she came to us, we were retired and home all day, so she never saw that crate again. She loved Elizabeth, but when Elizabeth came to visit and was leaving to go home, Dixie hid behind me! 🙂 Her life with us was a dream come true for her and for us. She was so beautiful, so regal! Her fur was baby soft and her perky ears and curly tail indicated she was a Carolina Dog, a descendant of the Dingo dogs. she was playful, but obedient. She followed me every step I took – upstairs, downstairs, all around the house. She was always looking for me. When we left and came home, she was always by the front door. She was a courier for me, taking notes, or the paper upstairs to her “Daddy” to save me the steps. One of her favorite things was to get up in the morning (she slept beside our bed), go outside checking every blade of grass to see who had been by, come in, go take the paper upstairs while I took the coffee. She was the happiest dog ever, turning and dancing in circles when she had to wait on me for walks. We will always love and miss her – never forgotten <3

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